LIFE Runners are the world’s largest Pro-Life running/walking Team with over 4,300 teammates, ages 1 to 101, in 50 states and 26 countries. We pray, fundraise, and run/walk as a Team until we cross the finish line that ends abortion.
LIFE Runners A+Cross America Relay. 4th Annual Lenten Sacrificial Running.
On Ash Wednesday LIFE Runners carried the baton in 5K legs of the North arm which started at the Canadian border in ND with a South arm that started in Corpus Christi TX; the East arm at the NYC Brooklyn Bridge and West arm from the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge. All four arms united for a Finish Line Celebration on Palm Sunday in Kansas City MO.
Sioux City LIFE Runners participated in the relay with a 2 day event beginning in Elk Point SD and then on March 07 over 30 students witnessed for LIFE by running along Military Road to Catholic Charities. From there the baton was passed and carried on to Mary’s Choice Resource Center. A prayer rally was held before LIFE Runners completed the journey by carrying the baton across the Vet’s Memorial Bridge to South Sioux City Nebraska. Please pray and plan to join us next year! If you would like your child to a part of LIFE Runners at school please let me know. We look forward to taking part in this event next Lent.
National LIFE Runner’s team will participate in the Philadelphia 8K/Half/Full Marathon Nov. 19 – 20. A bus trip leaving from St. Louis is planned. Please consider going on this trip, as a runner or supporter.
If interested in this event or joining our local Sioux City LIFE Runner Chapter please contact: Paula Parmelee by email [email protected] or phone 712-233-7535.
Sign up today:
Like us on Facebook: Sioux City LIFE Runners
The 2011 National LIFE Runners Team had a courageous finish at the Kansas City half/full Marathon (15 Oct)! Our miracle team of 170 runners from 20 states (and Turkey), included 22 youth, Fr. Rutten (SD), Fr. St.Andre (PA), and Bishop Paprocki (IL). Thanks to all who helped us raise over $35K for the Sioux Falls Alpha Center and Kansas City Wyandotte baby buses, providing free life-saving ultrasounds. 87% of abortion-minded mothers who see their ultrasound…choose Life! A security guard quit after our post-race prayer rally at Overland Park Planned Parenthood. “We refuse to let them fall. Seek justice. Love mercy. Lord, make us courageous!” All In Christ (Phil 4:13)…for Pro-Life (Jer 1:5)!
We believe in the dignity of all human life from conception to natural death.
We run as a Prayer, that children in the womb may be protected, so that they may be born and welcomed into the Christian community by baptism.
We run to build Endurance, for the race is long and we must keep our eyes fixed on You Lord.
We run for Awareness, that the eyes of all people may be transformed and see every human life as a reflection of Your glory Lord.
We run for Charity, to provide Truth for mothers and fathers tempted to abort their child…and healing support for post-abortive women, men and families.
We run to End abortion, for Christ has destroyed the power of death, and therefore the power of abortion.
Guard us all, born and unborn, with Your PEACE, Lord. For in You, life is victorious. We pray and run in Your name, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.